Sunday, June 15, 2008

i just took an 8 hour nap >.<"

so yeah, hmm..where to start...

for today, my dad asked me (like last week) if i was free to drive him cuz he had to conduct a wedding ceremony. last time i did this, he had to go to like mid/uptown (around 160 something st.?) so i was like..yeah, no problem. so last night i asked my mom for the address of the church, since i was gona be home late, i asked her to email it to me. so i went on google maps and searched the place. it said that it was 80 miles away (about a 2 hour drive)...almost at the tip of long island. O_O? i burst into my parent's room (yes, they were still awake) and the convo between my dad ans i went something like this...

me: the west hamptons?!?!?! are you serious!?!?!?!
dad: oh, yeah, i forgot to tell you that last's really far
me: uhh...DUH!!!! what time is the ceremony???
dad: i have to be there no later than 11
me: so what time do you want to leave?
dad:mmm...i was thinking around 830. latest 9 in case of traffic (so if you didnt read my last and traffic, yeah, we're not the best of buddies)
me: 830?!?!?! oh man...cant you drive yourself??? its not like you dont know how to...(i leave their room to go back to mine, and i hear my dad laughing...)
dad: its ok son...(i turn back around hoping he was gona drive himself)...i'll wake you up in the morning...

great -_-" i go back to my room, jot some notes down for driving directions, set my alarm for 8 and went to bed, and the next thing i knew, it was 825 and my dad was shaking me...WAKE UP!!! crappp..i overslept! got up, suited up, and took off. so for those that live in LI/nyc, saturday morning, usually means traffic on the LIE...or it has been everytime i drove out on saturday mornings...but today, no traffic...i shot right through and got to exit 70, yes, exit 70 on the LIE in like an hour...yeh yeh, thats a little fast, but i was moving with the flow of traffic xD

so we got to the hotel where the wedding was in like 1.5 hours, the same amount of time it took me the other day to get to queens (see my previous blog). we got there a bit was only 10:30...but upon leaving the car for the valet, my dad and i had another convo that went like this

dad: not bad, you took off like 30 mins from the trip
me: uhh, thanks?
dad: maybe on the way back you can take of 45 mins?
me: (thinking in my head) uhh..wth!?!?!?!?

* i guess now i have a reasoning for my tendency to runs in the family!! hahahaah xP initially, i was gona try to lounge around hotel lobby and wait. but my cousin christina suggested that i SUIT UP! just incase...and good thing i did...cuz i ended up sitting in the ceremony. so during the ceremony, my dad gave a short shpeal on love...and one of the things he said that really stuck out was the patience part of love. and this patience is really in 2 parts. the obvious part is where we need to be patient with one another and the typical stuff. but the other part my dad talked about was being patient in waiting for God to bring the person He has prepared especially for you. the two people that got married today, even though i didnt really know them, i could tell that they were really special. they were both Ph D grads from columbia, and both came from high profile families. and they definitely coulda had anyone they wanted...but they came to know Christ [on their own] (their families aren't Christians) and learn what TRUE love is. so each of them waited for God to bring their special mate that He has prepared for them, and voila! they found each other.

after the ceremony, we headed back to the city, on the way back, we planned on looking at some house in LI. so for me, i've been kinda like, why do we need a house? we have a place to stay, take the money (we sold our house in Wisconsin) and invest it or something. but my dad insisted that we looked at houses. so we did. and as soon as we entered the first house, i knew why...the way my mom smiled and walked around the houses and stuff, man, my dad knew my mom like a book! and just watching the two of them observing the houses we looked at, it made me crack a smile and think about how long my dad had to wait for my mom. 7 years...yep, my daddy waited for 7 years for my mommy. LOVE is really really is...

so yeah, then we came back to some late lunch and came home. my dad decided to take a nap, so my mom asked me what we should do for dinner. i told her to get something dad would like and i PASSED OUT. next thing i knew, it was 2 am...i took an 8 hour nap?!?!? O_O i got up and went outside, my dad was about to go sleep. then we had another convo that went like this...

dad: oh, you're awake
me: uhh..why didnt you guys wake me up for dinner????
dad: oh, you looked really tired so i thought sleep was better for you, plus it doesnt hurt you to lose a meal
me: uhh..thanks dad...thanks
dad: hahahahaha...hang on (he goes in the room and wakes my mom up) your son's awake and i think he's hungry
me: (standing outside their door and hearing everything) its ok mom..i can make my own food..go sleep
dad: (comes back out) yeah, your mom is tired...dont sleep too late. g'nite

man...haha, i love my dad. and i dont think i say that enough to him. it's father's day today...and honestly (not that im biased cuz im a guy) but a LOT of times, we tend to just overlook father's day. we make such a big deal about mother's day in may, and yes, i love my mommy as well, but there are MANY of us that kinda just lets father's day go by. and yeah, guys dont really like to celebrate stuff...blah blah...but i say SCREW that. CELEBRATE with your father. they probably wont show as much of an appreciation as your mom would, but deep down inside, they're a big softy for this stuff.

and i guess this also goes for those of us that are Christians, it goes the same way for our heavenly Father. there really isnt ever a time where I LOVE YOU (too) is said enough..."we love because HE first loved us" 1 John 4:19.

so like seriously, if you get a chance, tell your daddy how much you love them. if they're far away, give them a call, if they're somewhat close by, drive over and surprised them if you didnt plan on celebrating...because even though they may not show it well, they really love you.

happy father's day!


michelle said...

i'm sure your dad appreciated you driving him to the wedding. :]

and 8 hr nap?!? haha that sounds like you boaz :P hehe

Katy Ruth said...

So, when I was little, I must have heard somewhere that we were supposed to treat every day as your last, and I took that to mean that every time my dad or I left the house or hung up the phone I would tell him that I love him. That way if either of us died, the last thing I would have told him was that I loved him. But I did it so compulsively that I think he started to get annoyed. Thats just my little story of "you can't say 'I love you enough'" because, apparently, I can. :D

schangster said...

8 hours is a little crazy..
hahaha YES I'm so glad your family is looking at houses in nhp. it makes me so ecstatic you have no idea. the very thought of having bing people that actually live nearby makes me uber happy.

Josh said...

i must say...your dad IS quite funny. haha. you're a good son, bo. :D and i wouldn't call that a nap. you had a full day's rest. that's just crazy.

Meir said...

suit up. hehehe.

thomas said...

dang, seven years?!
it sounds like you have a lot of love in your family. yeah boaz!

michelle said...

haha. the ghetto... oh boy... that reminds me of the time my grandma got lost and somehow ended up in harlem. good stuff :P