Thursday, March 1, 2012

Newark Spring 2012 Update

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Hello Partner,
It has been quite the busy semester; however, I just wanted to take a moment to pause...and thank you for all the support you have given: whether it is through prayer, finance, or both!
I am extremely grateful for your partnership in seeing Students and Faculty Transformed, Campuses Renewed, and World Changers Developed here in Newark. We are approaching the half way point of this spring semester and we are extremely excited for the things that are happening and events that are coming up. here's what is going on in Newark this semester:

  • Weekly Large Group on Thursday Evenings 
  • 7 Weekly Small Groups
  • 1 Weekly Prayer Group
  • Monthly community service
  • Tabling/Proxe to invite students to join InterVarsity
  • Contact Evangelism!!!
Please continue to pray for me, as well Stephanie and the student leaders. Pray for strength and wisdom to carry out each of the plans/programs. Please also continue to pray for communication between staff and students as we are all learning to work together =]

Serving the Name above all names,
Boaz Tingson

A Special Note:
I am currently about $10,000 short on my budget goal. I am always looking for new partners in ministry so if you or anyone that you know might be interested, please let me know. For those that haven't made a gift but would like to give, please take a moment visit my donor page and make a gift today to get a tax deduct for 2012! If you have made a donation this past year and would like your tax deductible receipt, you can get it on the InterVarsity donation website by clicking here. If you have any further questions, please feel free to contact me and I will do what I can to help you out.