Thursday, March 13, 2008


yesterday at this time, my hard drive fried. T-T

i lost all my documents, pics, took me (not really me, more like chris and his friend) like 4 hours to re-do everything...stupid mac wana be program!! ARGH!!!

jk...its just an old hard drive...sighh, i still lost my files though...well, hopefully chris friend is able to figure out something and get my stuff...but yeah, so instead of studying for my exam, i was making my comp back to the way it return, i slept through my first class, and bombed my exam. on that of that, the exam i had last week, bombed that sucks. i really need to get my act together...cant keep on slacking off...blahh...

thats all for now...some "good" news...clamasaurus might come back early =D


christina said...

what in the world!!! you have a blog?!?

miss you.

christina said...

but seriously!! when did you start this? and how come i didnt know about it!

christina said...

and why is "good" in quotes!

christina said...

ok dont kill me,

but i kinda dont have a flight home.