We Made it!
A semester truly blessed by God's GraceWith new leadership on campus this past semester (both staff and students) we were able to see the power of God working through each one of us. Student leaders took the plunge with me this semester in trying new programs and plans...though some plans didn't turn out as well as others, we were still able to see God use each moment as a learning piece as we continue to serve the campuses in Newark together. We saw an average growth of ~20 participants in our Large Groups and an increase of 10 new members at each of the three newark campuses!!! Praise God!
Even with this increase, Student leaders and I are still hungry to reach the thousands of students present in the 3 Newark Campuses. Programs for next spring are already being planned so we ask for your continuous prayer as we strive to see Students and Faculty Transformed, Campuses Renewed, and World Changers Developed. Programs next semester will include Large Group, Small Group, Community Service, Tabling for Proxe Stations and invitations to come to Large Group, and last but not least, new Evangelistic programs!!! Welcome Stephanie!!! 
Not only is the chapter growing, so is our Staff team =]
Earlier this week I got a text message from Stephanie saying "(a donor) is giving a $200 a month gift!!!! Ahhhhh I feel like running out in my office ahhhh!" I answered with: "Wow!!! That is freaking awesome!!!" and she replied with "Hahahahahhaha!!!! Yes yesssss! woohooooooo!!!"
With this gift, Stephanie reached her 70% mark which would allow her to come on campus part time! WOOT!!!!!! PRAISE GOD! Thank you all for your continuous support and prayer. WE ARE SUPER EXCITED to see what God has in store as we will begin this partnership in ministry together starting in January. In the mean time, I want to ask you all to keep both of us in prayer. Please pray for:
- quick understanding of each other's personalities and leading style
- good communication between us
- for God to use both our gifts to serve the students of Newark
Thank you again for all the support in prayer. As for myself, I am always looking for new financial partners in ministry. I am currently $15,000 away from being fully funded for this academic school year. Please consider a year end gift of $100 (or more!) or even possibly sign up as a monthly donor of $50 a month. To make a donation, please click here.
InterVarsity Alumni are Changing the World!
Gary Nagelhout, NJIT IVCF Alumnus
Watch the CNN Interview:http://www.cnn.com/video/#/video/us/2011/02/21/romans.pres.math.science.cnn
"NJIT's IVCF was a vital part of my spiritual and emotional growth as a young adult. It helped prepare me for challenges I would face throughout my career as a engineer at IBM for 31 years. And it helped prepare me for the challenges of changing careers to become a math teacher - and give up a good salary for a much lower paying private school teaching position. I learned during my years as a part of the IV chapter to "trust God even for the seemingly impossible" - which is what I had to do go back to college, earn another Master's while working full time, at a time when new teaching jobs are almost non-existent. Now I am able to look back and see God's hand in taking me through this transition in my life. I thank God for what He taught me during my IV days"
- Gary Nagelhout
Be a Financial Partner!
I am continually seeking new donors for my ministry with InterVarsity. If you or someone you know would love to be a financial partner, please reply back to me and I would love to answer any questions that you have. If you are ready to donate today, please follow this link and to make a donation today!
Merry Christmas
and a Happy New Year!!! |
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