We welcomed 3 new members to the Kingdom of God!
Over the last month, we have seen 3 students come to faith in our Large Group. Here are their stories: - Caroline, from Rutgers-Newark, has been friends with our Chapter President, Marilyn, and after 3 weeks of consistent spiritual conversations after class, she accepted the invitation to attend LG. As our speaker Ashley Byrd made the invitation to faith, Marilyn leans over to her friend and says "are you ready to turn away from sin and run to God's embrace and accept Jesus into your life?" Caroline nodded yes and asked Marilyn to go to the front with her.
- Matt, a freshman with Junior class status at NJIT responded to a call during LG a few weeks back when we talked about Forgiveness. He realized that he was doing Christianity, but not being a Christian. He came up within seconds of the call being done and the guest pastor walked him into the Kingdom
- Lola, a freshman from Rutgers, stood alongside Matt and rededicated her life to Jesus after telling Marie that she had let college take her far away from God. She embraced God's forgiveness and is desiring to walk with Christ more firmly than ever.
Leadership changes at Newark
With the end of the school year coming soon, we are in the midst of making transitions with student leadership as well as Campus Staff leadership here at Newark. I am extremely excited to let you know that my ministry partner, Marie Rodriguez, will be taking on a new position with Intervarsity beginning this summer. Her new position will take her away from the campuses here at Newark. She will begin doing fund development coaching to newly appointed staff as well as allowing her to spend more time with her two boys and another one that is coming in the next month =]
With that being said, I would also like to let you know that we are looking forward to welcoming a new provisionally appointed staff at Rutgers - Newark. Pending on her fund development, we are praying that she will be able to begin campus ministry in the spring semester of 2012. In addition, we have welcomed 3 other staff to our area here in North New Jersey/Hudson Valley. Will you join with me to celebrate and give thanks to God's provision and calling his people to do his Kingdom work on the University Campuses!
I made a video!
There has been so much going around the world today: from the racial incident at UCLA to the earthquake in Japan. It is during times like these that we (Christians) are questioned the most by society on where our God is. As I was going through my devotions yesterday, I came upon the text in 2 Corinthians chapter 1 where it speaks about God being our comfort. As a personal response, a song that I sang at church last week came to mind and I was motivated to make a cover for it. You can watch my video here. My prayer is that you will be able to worship together with me as you watch it =]

Matt and Lola taking a stand in response to God's call at LG.
Prayer Requests:
I still have my cough since Christmas. I'm not exactly sure what is going on at this point, but I have been getting much better this past week. Please continue to pray for my health as allergy season is just right around the corner for me.
With the exciting news of Marie, I am also extremely anxious of what is to come. Pray for peace and comfort in my heart and mind as well as wisdom as I continue to do ministry here in Newark for the remainder of this school year, and the next coming school year.
Will you join with me in praying for the newly appointed staff in our area as they begin their Fund Development in this coming year.
Through God's grace, I have been extremely blessed with all of you who have been praying and supporting me financially. As I am still working on my Fund Raising, I have calculated that I am about $14,000 short of my budget at this point. Please continue to pray for God's provision and blessing through financial partners. If you would like to make a donation, click here.
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