Another year of ministry & Basileia!!!
This semester concluded my third year on staff with InterVarsity. 3 YEARS!!! It has been an incredible journey and I am thankful for the continual support I have received from you. During our last large group this semester, one of our seniors and exiting VP, Will Pennock, shared about his personal transformation over the past 4 years as he was involved with the ministry on InterVarsity at NJIT. Included in his testimony was the transformation of the chapter. He talked about how during his freshmen year, IV consisted of 2 small groups totaling ~12 members at NJIT. That night, he was speaking infront of 60 students at a large group, in which about 25 of them were NJIT students! WHOOO!!!
God has been extremely faithful to the growth of the chapters at Newark. Here are a few things that we are inviting you to celebrate with us from this school year:
- We ended the school year with 159 students regularly involved with the ministry of InterVarsity at Newark. (That's 59 more than last year!!!)
- We have seen over 20 students step up to be servers and leaders in our chapters. (that's over double what we had last year!)
- At this current moment, we are planning to send 48 students up to Basileia (18 from NJIT, 16 from RU, and 14 from ECC). WHOOOOO!!!!!!
It has been an extremely exciting year, and it's about to get even MORE exciting! For the first time in my tenure here as staff, we are sending non-christians up to camp!!! say what?!?! That's right, students have invited their non-christian friends to come up to camp with them. This year, we have been searching and learning what it means to cultivate a witnessing community. As a result, students have responded boldly and invited their friends to join us for Basileia. Their desire to see their friends say "YES!" to Jesus is evident as they have made every effort to raise scholarships to help reduce the cost for camp. Over the past month, our student leaders have been able to raise over $3,000 for scholarships!!! Praise God!
We are growing!!! 
As we have been experiencing growth among our students and chapters in Newark, we are also experiencing that same growth among Staff. I am extremely excited to tell you that I have been invited to step up to be the Staff Team Leader of Newark! Now as you know, there's only 2 of us on staff at Newark at this point. (Stephanie and myself). But wait! There's going to be more!!! It is my honor and privilege to introduce to you, Joanna Babiarczyk! She has been provisionally appointed to join our team at Newark =] We are extremely excited to have her and we are praying to get Joana on campus by this coming fall semester. Would you join us in praying for the support that she needs to raise. If you feel led to make a donation to support her, please follow this link and support her today!
| Highlights from this semester!
*note: about a month ago, I accidentally deleted all my pictures from my phone...sad story =[ but here are some pictures from the last month of the semester. If you would like to see more, please check out our facebook, website or follow us on twitter and instagram!

The exiting Exec Team from left to right. Top: Matt, Tisil, Jith Botthom: William, Larry, Karolyn

The new NJIT Exec Team from left to right.John, Anna, Jeremy, Irene, William
 Commissioning the Seniors at our last LG.

It's not too late to support!I am continually seeking new donors for my ministry with InterVarsity. I am currently $7,000 short of my budget goal this year. If you or someone you know would love to be a financial partner, please reply back to me and I would love to meet up and answer any questions that you have. If you are ready to donate today, please follow this link and to make a donation today! |