Friday, June 7, 2013

Basileia Update

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NJIT/RU at Basileia Week 2

Hello Friends!

Thank you so much for responding and praying while we were at Basileia. It was an extremely joyful time to be serving students and leading them in planning, worship, and inviting them to continue to say "YES!" to Jesus. Speaking of which, as you may have remembered, I mentioned that we had non-christian students attending camp with us. And I wanted to share the great news that we saw a total of 6 new conversions at camp during week which 2 of them were from NEWARK!!! Say what?!?! WHOooOoOoo!!!!! This is the first set of conversions we have witnessed since I've been on staff with InterVarsity at Newark. (yes, first set...we are definitely anticipating more this year!) It is such a blessing to see students making decisions to move from darkness to light. 

Would you continue to pray with us as student leaders are in the process of making plans for the upcoming school year? We are looking and anticipating God to do GREAT things in Newark and we can't wait to see what God has in store. Student leaders are extremely pumped and excited. We (the staff team) are extremely pumped and excited...and we pray that YOU (our partners and supporters) are extremely pumped and excited for this coming school year! May HIS kingdom come, HIS will be done, on the campuses in Newark as it is in heaven.

serving the Name above all names
Boaz Tingson
Newark Staff Team Leader

Also, here's a few snapshots from Basileia!!!

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ECC at Basilea Week 1

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Leading worship at Basileia Week 1

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Students praying with/for each other 

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RU Students praying for their campus

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NJIT Students praying for their campus

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Asian Family photo! =]

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Newark Staff Team!

Thank You!

It is because of your support that I was able to witness such an awesome event at Basileia. It is because of your partnership that I am able to continue to train, challenge, and invite students to say "YES!" to Jesus. It has been an incredible journey to witness the transformation of students at NJIT, Rutgers, and Essex.

I am hoping to continue to serve God in this way, but I am currently $6,000 short of my financial goal this fiscal year (It ends this month!!!). Will you please pray for God to continually provide for the financial needs of my ministry? I am also looking for new partnerships for the upcoming year, if you know of anyone that would be interested, please do let me know!
If you would like to make a gift, please follow this link and donate today! 

Boaz Tingson
Campus Staff Team Leader - Newark

If you would like to support me financially, please donate here

Copyright (C) 2013 InterVarsity Christian Fellowship/USA All rights reserved.

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