Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Newark October Ministry Update!

       October 2011
Are YOU broken?
a recap of InterVarsity at Newark
"The question I want to ask is not, 'where is God when you're broken?' but 'WHO is God when you're broken?' "

- Marie Rodriguez - NNJ/NYC New Staff FD Coach
In the midst of living in a broken world, students were asked to think about who God is when they are broken. Furthermore, they were asked to think about who God is for those that are broken on campus...especially those that do not know Jesus.

As students took time to reflect after the message, I felt a change/shift in the room and the atmosphere. There was a sense of excitement and a burning desire to share and invite the gospel by students. Even with the our numbers increasing each week at large group (we're setting new records each week...Praise God!), one of the LG coordinator is disappointed because we haven't seen any non-Christians come to large group and we haven't seen any conversions happen on campus.

Students are not satisfied with just seeing our fellowship grow. They want to see people come to Jesus!

We are going to Big Event!
this is one way that you can help!
Each fall, InterVarsity in NY/NJ invites students to participate in the "The Big Event". The Big Event is our fall training conference to help equip students as they invest in growing their faith along with hundreds of other students in New Jersey and New York City. They choose from a variety of tracks that range from prayer to leadership to evangelism. You can find out more about The Big Event here.

Currently there are 20 students from the 3 Newark schools registered. I am praying that at least 5 more will register before the price goes up by the end of this week. There is a lot of interest shown by Newark students, but many of them can't afford to attend as the cost for this conference is $160 per student (registration and transportation). If you would like to help and provide a scholarship, please follow this link and let me know that you've made a donation to allow Newark students to attend The Big Event!

Pictures from this fall =]

Newark Students praying on campus getting ready for Community Service

Welcome to Large Group!

Worship team preparing for LG

Club Fair at Rutger University

Club Fair at NJIT

Be a Financial Partner!

I am continually seeking new donors for my ministry with InterVarsity. If you or someone you know would love to be a financial partner, please reply back to me and I would love to answer any questions that you have. If you are ready to donate today, please follow this link and to make a donation today!
Boaz Tingson
Campus Staff Team Leader - Newark

If you would like to support me financially, please donate here

If you would like to stop receiving these emails, please email me back and I will remove you immediately.

Copyright (C) 2011 InterVarsity Christian Fellowship/USA All rights reserved.

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