Thursday, December 22, 2011

We are changing the world!

We Made it!
A semester truly blessed by God's GraceWith new leadership on campus this past semester (both staff and students) we were able to see the power of God working through each one of us. Student leaders took the plunge with me this semester in trying new programs and plans...though some plans didn't turn out as well as others, we were still able to see God use each moment as a learning piece as we continue to serve the campuses in Newark together. We saw an average growth of ~20 participants in our Large Groups and an increase of 10 new members at each of the three newark campuses!!! Praise God!

Even with this increase, Student leaders and I are still hungry to reach the thousands of students present in the 3 Newark Campuses. Programs for next spring are already being planned so we ask for your continuous prayer as we strive to see Students and Faculty Transformed, Campuses Renewed, and World Changers Developed. Programs next semester will include Large Group, Small Group, Community Service, Tabling for Proxe Stations and invitations to come to Large Group, and last but not least, new Evangelistic programs!!!
Welcome Stephanie!!! stephanie.jpeg
Not only is the chapter growing, so is our Staff team =]
Earlier this week I got a text message from Stephanie saying "(a donor) is giving a $200 a month gift!!!! Ahhhhh I feel like running out in my office ahhhh!" I answered with: "Wow!!! That is freaking awesome!!!" and she replied with "Hahahahahhaha!!!! Yes yesssss! woohooooooo!!!" 
With this gift, Stephanie reached her 70% mark which would allow her to come on campus part time! WOOT!!!!!! PRAISE GOD! Thank you all for your continuous support and prayer. WE ARE SUPER EXCITED to see what God has in store as we will begin this partnership in ministry together starting in January. In the mean time, I want to ask you all to keep both of us in prayer. Please pray for:

  • quick understanding of each other's personalities and leading style
  • good communication between us
  • for God to use both our gifts to serve the students of Newark
Thank you again for all the support in prayer. As for myself, I am always looking for new financial partners in ministry. I am currently $15,000 away from being fully funded for this academic school year. Please consider a year end gift of $100 (or more!) or even possibly sign up as a monthly donor of $50 a month. To make a donation, please click here.

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InterVarsity Alumni 
are Changing the World!

Gary Nagelhout, NJIT IVCF Alumnus

Watch the CNN Interview:

"NJIT's IVCF was a vital part of my spiritual and emotional growth as a young adult. It helped prepare me for challenges I would face throughout my career as a engineer at IBM for 31 years. And it helped prepare me for the challenges of changing careers to become a math teacher - and give up a good salary for a much lower paying private school teaching position. I learned during my years as a part of the IV chapter to "trust God even for the seemingly impossible" - which is what I had to do go back to college, earn another Master's while working full time, at a time when new teaching jobs are almost non-existent. Now I am able to look back and see God's hand in taking me through this transition in my life. I thank God for what He taught me during my IV days"

- Gary Nagelhout

Be a Financial Partner!
I am continually seeking new donors for my ministry with InterVarsity. If you or someone you know would love to be a financial partner, please reply back to me and I would love to answer any questions that you have. If you are ready to donate today, please follow this link and to make a donation today!

Merry Christmas
and a Happy New Year!!!
Boaz Tingson
Campus Staff Team Leader - Newark

If you would like to support me financially, please donate here

If you would like to stop receiving these emails, please email me back and I will remove you immediately.

Copyright (C) 2011 InterVarsity Christian Fellowship/USA All rights reserved.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Newark October Ministry Update!

       October 2011
Are YOU broken?
a recap of InterVarsity at Newark
"The question I want to ask is not, 'where is God when you're broken?' but 'WHO is God when you're broken?' "

- Marie Rodriguez - NNJ/NYC New Staff FD Coach
In the midst of living in a broken world, students were asked to think about who God is when they are broken. Furthermore, they were asked to think about who God is for those that are broken on campus...especially those that do not know Jesus.

As students took time to reflect after the message, I felt a change/shift in the room and the atmosphere. There was a sense of excitement and a burning desire to share and invite the gospel by students. Even with the our numbers increasing each week at large group (we're setting new records each week...Praise God!), one of the LG coordinator is disappointed because we haven't seen any non-Christians come to large group and we haven't seen any conversions happen on campus.

Students are not satisfied with just seeing our fellowship grow. They want to see people come to Jesus!

We are going to Big Event!
this is one way that you can help!
Each fall, InterVarsity in NY/NJ invites students to participate in the "The Big Event". The Big Event is our fall training conference to help equip students as they invest in growing their faith along with hundreds of other students in New Jersey and New York City. They choose from a variety of tracks that range from prayer to leadership to evangelism. You can find out more about The Big Event here.

Currently there are 20 students from the 3 Newark schools registered. I am praying that at least 5 more will register before the price goes up by the end of this week. There is a lot of interest shown by Newark students, but many of them can't afford to attend as the cost for this conference is $160 per student (registration and transportation). If you would like to help and provide a scholarship, please follow this link and let me know that you've made a donation to allow Newark students to attend The Big Event!

Pictures from this fall =]

Newark Students praying on campus getting ready for Community Service

Welcome to Large Group!

Worship team preparing for LG

Club Fair at Rutger University

Club Fair at NJIT

Be a Financial Partner!

I am continually seeking new donors for my ministry with InterVarsity. If you or someone you know would love to be a financial partner, please reply back to me and I would love to answer any questions that you have. If you are ready to donate today, please follow this link and to make a donation today!
Boaz Tingson
Campus Staff Team Leader - Newark

If you would like to support me financially, please donate here

If you would like to stop receiving these emails, please email me back and I will remove you immediately.

Copyright (C) 2011 InterVarsity Christian Fellowship/USA All rights reserved.

Thursday, August 18, 2011

School is almost here!!!

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NJIT Campus Center during the summer
School is just around the corner! 
and we need you to PRAY!The school year for the Newark Campuses begins on 9/1/11. In just two weeks, what seems to be an empty student center will be filled with thousands of eager and bright young minds pursuing to find their place in society. They are hungry for meaning and thirsty for community to belong, but more importantly, they are dead in their sin. They are about to begin or rekindle friendships and make decisions that will last beyond their time on campus...and I can't wait to meet them!!!

As our former Regional Director puts it, "our work began as a response to the prayers of students, faculty, parents, and friends. Our work continues as an expression of our prayers that God's kingdom come. Our work will endure only if we listen to God and partner with God in we're going to pray!" We will be beginning our 40 day prayer campaign starting this coming monday (8/22) and it will last until the end of September. Please join me in praying for the ministry of Intervarsity throughout the campuses here in New York and New Jersey. I hope to send you our daily prayer emails with a short prayer request from myself over the next 40 days. Please keep me accountable in keeping you up to date with our prayer initiative =]

So what's going on in Newark?
Our outreach initiatives this coming monthWith new students arriving in less than two weeks, Newark student leaders have been hard at work with planning and thinking through how we can meet them. Here are our plans for NJIT and Rutgers for this coming fall:

Be present at freshman orientation on 8/22,24,26 @ RU                     

Taboo/game night @ RU student center on 9/6                                     

Bowling night @ NJIT student center on 9/7                                           

First Large Group of the year on 9/8                                                         

Movie Night at a residential hall @NJIT on 9/9                                      

Church tours for residential students for the month of September

Pictures from this summer =]

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Newark Student Leaders working hard to plan during the summer!

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Glow sticks! Each glow stick represents a student that came to Christ through the ministry of Intervarsity from 2006 to 2011. Last year we saw 303 students in NY/NJ come to faith through our ministry!

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The risk we're facing in NNJ this year: overcoming the bridge of Fund Raising with our 5 new Staff appointees as well as for those of us that are currently raising funds.

Be a Financial Partner!Thank you all so much for the financial support you have provided over my first year on staff. I cannot express my gratitude for all of you who have supported me. Nevertheless, I am currently looking for continual as well as new donors for my second year on staff...if you have the means and burden to support me, please let me know and I would love to meet with you and answer any questions that you have. For those of you who are ready to donate now, you can click here and make your donation today!
Boaz Tingson
Campus Staff Team Leader - Newark

If you would like to support me financially, please donate here

If you would like to stop receiving these emails, please email me be back and I will remove you immediately.

Copyright (C) 2011 Intervarsity Christian Fellowship/USA All rights reserved.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

June Update

       June 2011


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Your Kingdom Come...
Basileia Recap
"We don't serve a God that does or do...but a God who IS" - Nicole Page (IV Staff at R.I.T - Basileia week 1 Teacher)
This year at Basileia, students heard teachings from the book of Revelation chapters 4-8. As I observed students at each of the three weeks of camp this year, one thing that was evident in all three weeks was students realizing what it meant to be serving the ONLY God worthy of sitting in the throne room. Students were challenged to cast their crowns to Him who sits on the throne, torenounce their fears that hinders them from worshipping the lamb that was slain, and to take courage in faith and allow the Holy Spirit to use them to bring God's Kingdom to their campus.
Speaking of Kingdom work, we were able to witness God drawing his people to him at Basileia 2011. Over the course of three weeks, we saw students invite over 25 non-Christians to camp this year...and out of the the 25, 10 of them made commitments to Jesus for the very first time! (it could possibly be more...but there were 10 that were reported). That has never happened before! God is truly working in the lives of our students here in the campuses in NY/NJ...and I hope that you are just as excited as I am to be a part of this ministry.

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 Intervarsity Newark Students at Basileia 2011
...Your will be done
 IV @ Newark for 2011-2012
Seeing God's Kingdom working at Basileia excited not only myself, but students from all over Newark as well. As student leaders spent the week thinking of goals, plans, and programs for the 2011-2012 school year, one thing that came to mind is the desire to increase each of our three chapters by 20 this year...that's a total of 60 new students in Newark involved with InterVarsity! We are also hoping to continue the success of our Small Group ministry by having 10+ small groups present at all three chapters, as well as hosting weekly Large Groups as we tackle the question of "Where is God when ____?" In turn, we are aiming to meet over 1,500 students during New Student Outreach which has already started at NJIT and will begin soon at Rutgers - Newark and Essex County College. 
In addition, I got the opportunity to meet the new staff worker I will be working with. Her name is Stephanie and I am looking forward to work in ministry with her on campus; however, before she can come on campus, she needs to work on her fund development. If you would like to make a contribution to her, you can click here and make a donation for Stephanie Torres. 

Serving the Name above all names,

Boaz Tingson

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Plenary during week 3 Basileia


tp wk2 sg.jpgmy small group for week 2 Transforming Prayer

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my small group for week 3 Transforming Prayer

Personal Update from Boaz Tingson

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I made it!
I am extremely excited to report that with one week left of my first year of Fund Raising, I have reached my goal! Praise God! I want to thank you all your continuous support in prayer and finance. Thank You Thank You Thank You!!! If it wasn't for you, I definitely could not be doing this work. You are an extremely vital part of my ministry and I pray that we will continue to work together to bring about God's kingdom to the campuses in Newark. If you would like to give before my fiscal year ends (it ends on 6/30) you may click here to donate.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

We're going to Basileia! & new donation link =]


Hello Prayer Partners!

YEAH! Uh huh, you know what it is...Basileia Basileia Basileia Basileia =D

Yes, it is indeed that time of the year again. This year, I have the privilege of being at camp for 3 weeks to be with Intervarsity students of NY/NJ as they attend a conference called Basileia. For those of you who don't know, Basileia is IV's summer leadership and discipleship training for students in our region. Basileia is Greek for “kingdom”—the kingdom of God! We’ve named our summer training Basileia because we want students to deepen their knowledge of Jesus Christ as King and improve their capacity to be His ambassadors on campus. In addition, this training points beyond college as they will settle in communities, participate in churches and enter the marketplace as kingdom people who make a world of difference.
With that in mind, will you join together with me to pray for students for this coming 3 weeks. (5/13-6/2).
Please pray for:
  • Safety in traveling (it is ~300 miles from Newark)
  • Spiritual & Physical well being of staff, volunteers and students (my allergies have been worse than usual this year)
  • For God to reveal himself as students from all over NY/NJ come to camp each week
  • For me as I lead student leaders of Newark for the first time (on my own!) in program planning for the academic year of 2011-2012
In other News: there is a new donation website! If you have a profile with the old website, it should still work with the new one (mine worked). If you need any help with setting it up, please do not hesitate to ask. Speaking of donations...I am currently still about $10,000 short of my fiscal year goal. Please continue to pray for my support and fund raising. If you would like to make a donation now, you can click here and donate today!

serving the Name above all names,
Boaz Tingson

Thursday, March 17, 2011

March 2011 Ministry update


We welcomed 3 new members to the Kingdom of God!

Over the last month, we have seen 3 students come to faith in our Large Group. Here are their stories:
  • Caroline, from Rutgers-Newark, has been friends with our Chapter President, Marilyn, and after 3 weeks of consistent spiritual conversations after class, she accepted the invitation to attend LG. As our speaker Ashley Byrd made the invitation to faith, Marilyn leans over to her friend and says "are you ready to turn away from sin and run to God's embrace and accept Jesus into your life?" Caroline nodded yes and asked Marilyn to go to the front with her. 
  • Matt, a freshman with Junior class status at NJIT responded to a call during LG a few weeks back when we talked about Forgiveness. He realized that he was doing Christianity, but not being a Christian. He came up within seconds of the call being done and the guest pastor walked him into the Kingdom
  • Lola, a freshman from Rutgers, stood alongside Matt and rededicated her life to Jesus after telling Marie that she had let college take her far away from God. She embraced God's forgiveness and is desiring to walk with Christ more firmly than ever.
Leadership changes at Newark

With the end of the school year coming soon, we are in the midst of making transitions with student leadership as well as Campus Staff leadership here at Newark. I am extremely excited to let you know that my ministry partner, Marie Rodriguez, will be taking on a new position with Intervarsity beginning this summer. Her new position will take her away from the campuses here at Newark. She will begin doing fund development coaching to newly appointed staff as well as allowing her to spend more time with her two boys and another one that is coming in the next month =]
With that being said, I would also like to let you know that we are looking forward to welcoming a new provisionally appointed staff at Rutgers - Newark. Pending on her fund development, we are praying that she will be able to begin campus ministry in the spring semester of 2012. In addition, we have welcomed 3 other staff to our area here in North New Jersey/Hudson Valley. Will you join with me to celebrate and give thanks to God's provision and calling his people to do his Kingdom work on the University Campuses!
I made a video!

There has been so much going around the world today: from the racial incident at UCLA to the earthquake in Japan. It is during times like these that we (Christians) are questioned the most by society on where our God is. As I was going through my devotions yesterday, I came upon the text in 2 Corinthians chapter 1 where it speaks about God being our comfort. As a personal response, a song that I sang at church last week came to mind and I was motivated to make a cover for it. You can watch my video here. My prayer is that you will be able to worship together with me as you watch it =]

Matt and Lola taking a stand in response to God's call at LG.

Prayer Requests:
I still have my cough since Christmas. I'm not exactly sure what is going on at this point, but I have been getting much better this past week. Please continue to pray for my health as allergy season is just right around the corner for me.

With the exciting news of Marie, I am also extremely anxious of what is to come. Pray for peace and comfort in my heart and mind as well as wisdom as I continue to do ministry here in Newark for the remainder of this school year, and the next coming school year.

Will you join with me in praying for the newly appointed staff in our area as they begin their Fund Development in this coming year.
Through God's grace, I have been extremely blessed with all of you who have been praying and supporting me financially. As I am still working on my Fund Raising, I have calculated that I am about $14,000 short of my budget at this point. Please continue to pray for God's provision and blessing through financial partners. If you would like to make a donation, click here.

Boaz Tingson
Campus Staff Member - NJIT

If you would like to support me financially, please donate here

If you would like to stop receiving these emails, please email me back and I will remove you immediately.

Copyright (C) 2011 InterVarsity Christian Fellowship/USA All rights reserved.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Spring 2011 Update

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We want to multiply!
Multipliers are essential for our chapters on campus
On Jan. 22, 2011, we saw well over 50 student leaders from all over Northern New Jersey and Hudson Valley Area gathered together for a full day of training. One of the two training offered was giving vision and tools to become a multiplier on campus.
In this track, student leaders were asked the question: "imagine when come Monday, you and the rest of your leadership team were no longer on campus. Who will step up? Will they be ready? Will Intervarsity still exist on campus?"
This idea of multipliers was received  by Newark students when they realize what their answers were to these questions. The imagery painted was the idea of teaching someone how to ride a bike. A multiplier is someone who teaches by being patient and pushing the learner in the right opposed to grabbing handle bars and trying to "pull" them in a direction. 
Two skills that came along with this imagery is that student leaders need to be intentional in their ministry, as well as be active in their ministry. Planning and programming is not the only thing they do.
Last week, 30,000 Newark students began their academic journey for the 2011 spring semester. This new idea/concept has steered the mentality of our student leaders, and we are extremely excited for new programs as well as reviving old ones. However, not only are they planning on their own, teams and committees are forming as student leaders are now truly working together with their peers as we begin to serve our campuses together!

February's 28 Days of Prayer
Join us as Intervarsity in the NY/NJ region to pray during the month of February. We are praying for:
  1. Students & Faculty to be Transformed by the Truth of Jesus Christ
  2. The Campus to be revived and Renewed by the love of Jesus Christ
  3. Students leaders to practice their faith on and off campus as World Changers for the Kingdom of God
If you would like to commit to praying and/or fasting during this month, please contact me for more information.
Prayer Requests:
I've been coughing since the week before Christmas. I finally visited the Doctor's yesterday and I have an infection on my throat. Please pray that I will have a speedy recovery.

I will be giving my first talk at our Large Group meeting next week, please pray for words and truth to inspire students.

I am still working on my Fund Raising. Please continue to pray for God's provision and blessing through financial partners.