work finally started this week. so now my day starts at 7:30am, instead of ending at that is quite the tiring. i didnt think that being in the office would require this much energy -_-" dealing with teachers AND volunteers is quite the hectic.
so for today, we had a fire drill. and yeah, if it was a real fire, everyone woulda took a little over 10 mins to evacuate the building. (we're suppose to be out in less than 6 mins) -_-" other than that, day camp is starting to sink in and its been an awesome 2 days. another 28 days of day camp to go! w00t!!! tired. i'll update more later
10 minutes?!
it's a fire sir!
you gotta get outta there asap :P
p.s. 7:30am? 0_o sounds like fun :]
woah mr. assistant administratorrrrr.. thats when you know you`re getting wayy to old -- they wont let you play with the kids, you might hurt yourself and theyd get in trouble xp haha just kidding! miss you boaz! :]
i was just kiddinggggg :D
yeaaa i blogged, but i dont really remember wat i wrote about lol, gotta get ready for work
hope you`re doing well!!
ps - we [my family] passed by your house yesterday again.. but i decided i saw you too much already so we didnt stop by. lol jk, we went to get checkups.
um's a good there there hasn't been a fire...we all would have been dead many years ago.
i can't believe you only have 28 more days to go. luckkyyy. i have 6 more weeks -___-
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