so its been like...ages since i've last blogged. and like i said in my last entry, i wanted to wait til i have something to share to blog. and honestly, i've had many instances of it...but i just got lazy..haha...sorry =X so here is my attempt to recap two lessons i've learned in the last month and a half...
1. to fear God is to follow Him. over the past few weeks at UCCC, pastor craig has been doing a series titled "the fear of God". essentially, he spoke that the fear of God is a MAJOR part of a God follower. our fear for a God that is mighty and awesome, a God that created the stars in the sky, a God that made us in His very own image SHOULD draw us to Him. this is done through our awe, reverance, and emotion of fear towards God. we fear God because of His glory. God is like a thunderstorm...its beautiful, yet scary at the same time.
2. exteremely important in our daily walk with Christ. its not something that we do just for the reason of doing it, but something that is done in reverance to God. on top of that, in order to truly pray faithfully, we NEED to know who we're praying to. meaning we gota read the Bible...otherwise how else would we know who God really is?
so in light of that, this past month and a half has definitely changed the way i've been living out mylife and my prayers as well. although in terms of my academics, my work ethic hasn't seen much change since last time. but my attitude when i do work has definitely changed. when i walk to class and around campus, my appreciation of God's creation has definitely changed. in the times when i pray, my prayers have felt more personal and meaningful as well.
and speaking of i've been trying to figure out what God wants me to do after i graduate from school...and i have some sort of answer at this moment. i know that God wants me to go in to some kind of ministry, what it is exactly im still trying to figure out. but it'll definitely be something with music. as of right now, im in the process of trying to get applications for churches that i attend and from there i will see where God takes me. its quite exciting, and scary at the same time.
to fear God is to follow Him.