Wednesday, July 23, 2008


im too tired and frustrated to blog...IM me if you want an update, otherwise it might be a while for my next real post. sorry guys...

Monday, July 14, 2008

here we go, one more time

so last night i passed out...actually, i KNOCKED out. and because of that, i forgot to set my alarm. i jumped out of bed this morning and looked at my clock. 8:25. CRAP!! i quickly got ready and went down for work. the day went by pretty smoothly. everyone is starting to get in to the routine of things and i dont have to walk around as much anymore. which a good thing i guess? but then again i get really bored sitting in the office too long...hopefully tomorrow will come with some kind of adventure. thats all for now, im outs

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

i didnt think sitting in an office all day would make me this tired...

work finally started this week. so now my day starts at 7:30am, instead of ending at that is quite the tiring. i didnt think that being in the office would require this much energy -_-" dealing with teachers AND volunteers is quite the hectic.

so for today, we had a fire drill. and yeah, if it was a real fire, everyone woulda took a little over 10 mins to evacuate the building. (we're suppose to be out in less than 6 mins) -_-" other than that, day camp is starting to sink in and its been an awesome 2 days. another 28 days of day camp to go! w00t!!! tired. i'll update more later

Saturday, July 5, 2008

frustrations are gone...yay!!!

so in response to my last "blog", i have some explaining to do. there were mainly two reasons on why i was frustrated.

1. my comp somehow got a virus. and although i managed to contain it, i couldn't find the freaking thing and my virus scan just kept detecting it every 10 mins preventing it from doing any harm to my comp. i looked at a crap load of forums trying to figure out what was wrong...but nothing helped...but then i finally found something and now everything is solved. yay!

2. so "today" (i put today in quotes cuz its past midnight) we were suppose to have a bbq for BtB...but some of the team members had other plans that came up and they weren't able to come. i wasnt really frustrated...i was probably more upset, cuz i was really looking forward to hanging out with them. so then we voted on opening up the bbq to the rest of the fellowship, but it was a bit late and a lot of people already made plans. so i had to decide whether to keep the bbq on, or cancel it. after days of thinking and talking to people, i decided to go through with it. and it turned out really well. actually, it turned out AWESOME...we had a TON of food (i am terrible at estimating food portions) and awesome company. we jammed a bit(aka sing joanna's name to as many different chord progressions as we can), played some wii, took a tour of the building, ate a LOT, and "watched" the fireworks on top of OCM (i put watched in quotes cuz it was drizzling, so there was a lot of fog and half way through the fireworks it didnt really see anything, just a bunch of lights and clouds of smoke) but nevertheless it was great times with great people. for the second time, im glad i went through with plans rather than canceling it. =D

so, im extremely pooped out...maybe i'll go to sleep earlier than 1 am tonight....nahhh..hahahahaha...but yeah, im outs for now. Happy 4th of July!!!

Wednesday, July 2, 2008


...when i shouldn't be...i hate being frustrated -_-"